Graham, not Trump, shares blame for 4 soldiers killed in Syria
Incessant US war promoter Sen. Lindsay Graham lays blame on President Trump for 4 US soldiers killed in Syria Tuesday, stating his December 19th withdrawal announcement "set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy we're fighting". Graham clearly implies that 'enthusiasm' inspired the restaurant suicide attack in Manbij where the dwindling US presence still patrols in its foolish, unnecessary war against Islamic State.
But Graham and the rest of the US war party went berserk when Trump announced the pullout December 19, slowing down the withdrawal timetable which could easily have been completed before these needless four deaths. Graham and his 'war first and always' buddies in Congress should look in the mirror before implying the latest US deaths in the Middle East and Africa, now over 7,000, lay at Trump's doorstep. Graham, not only supported every criminal, senseless US military intervention since 2001, he's pushed back ferociously when first Obama, and now Trump, sensibly seeks withdrawal.
Fighting Islamic State is not our fight. Syria, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq can handle its alleged threat to their neighborhood without one drop of precious US blood and treasure. Graham, a small government conservative against anything which helps the US commons, is 100% big government for perpetual war. Four dead US soldiers yesterday are one of the consequences.
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