Keep the blood spigot flowing
On Tuesday, Trump vetoed a bi-partisan resolution passed by both House and Senate to end our criminal enabling of Saudi Arabia's catastrophic war against neighboring Yemen. How catastrophic? Over 60,000 dead and over 5 million suffering disease and starvation thanks to B & B...Bombs and Blockade...all with the aid and comfort of Uncle Sam. Without US support the war would end as Saudi Arabia couldn't fight its way out of a paper bag. In his veto message Trump said "This resolution is an unnecessary, dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities, endangering the lives of American citizens and brave service members, both today and in the future." Incredibly, Trump ignores that war making power rests in Congress, not the president. Trump ignores the oceans of blood he's unleashing on the hapless Yemeni people. Trump ignores that 58% of congresspersons voting want the war ended. Trump knows they can't muster the 67% to override his veto, allowing him to keep on killing and killing and killing.
While he's doing that the media keeps on ignoring the biggest story of the week, if not the year. Do even 5 in a hundred know about the Yemen war, much less Trump's bloodthirsty veto to keep it going? When I fired up the Trib's pixels Wednesday morning, the veto should have been the headline on Page 1 instead of a tiny blurb on Page 14. Alas, publicizing criminal war and efforts to end it doesn't sell papers to a citizenry memorized by the fantasy blood and gore of Game of Thrones.
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