Monday, June 10, 2019

Starving Latin American socialists nothing new for Uncle Sam

Though not firing on Venezuela's military, the US is engaged in a war of regime change in Venezuela. Using cruel and crippling economic sanctions causing deprivation, even starvation upon the Venezuelan people, we've targeted the hated socialist regime of Nicholas Maduro. The US has groomed Kennedy/Obama lookalike US puppet Juan Gaido to assume power to protect US business interests there. Since we're reluctant to invade, we've doing it the old fashioned way; pain and suffering on the hapless citizenry to rise up and overthrow Maduro for our guy. It should be no surprise this monstrous policy is not working. We've been inflicting citizen deprivation on the 11 million souls of Cuba for 60 years now but the Castro, Diaz-Canel socialist regime soldiers on because no amount of US cruelty will force overthrow of nationalist leaders committed to preventing renewed US imperialism.

A once secret US State Department memo from 60 years ago describes this policy as "A line of action which, while adroit and inconspicuous as possible, makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government".

Maybe we should replace the words on the Statute of Liberty, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free", with "Throw off your socialist leaders or we'll starve you to death".


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