Sunday, March 15, 2020

US sanctions worsening Covid 19 cases in Iran

US economic sanctions against Iran represent criminal acts of war against the people and government of Iran. Most Americans ignore this as it doesn't involves involve them in the least. No bombs being dropped, no people being shot, so what's the big deal?
But our needless and senseless Iran sanctions are degrading life for Iranians that no American would want to experience. Iran is now pleading with the world community to pressure Uncle Sam to end his cruel sanctions exacerbating the Covid 19 crisis there. Iran has nearly 5,000 cases, with over a hundred deaths, the forth most worldwide after China, Italy and South Korea. US sanctions impede Iran getting proper medical supplies to fight the pandemic.
Maybe the only benefit of the pandemic which is shutting down much US economic and social that it will call attention to America's despicable economic sanctions against a number of countries which incur the mindless hate of our delusional, perpetual war government.


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