Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Ives’ grading standard deserves scrutiny

Illinois Sixth District Republican candidate Jeanne Ives has a dilemma. She campaign to unseat Congressman Sean Casten in inextricably bound up with her support of President Trump. How then should Ives respond to the avalanche of criticism leveled at Trump’s handling of the pandemic that has now infected nearly 400,000 Americans, killing 11,000?
“I give him a B grade overall”, Ives tweeted, being just a tad less congratulatory than Trump who graded himself a 10 out of 10.
Tho she didn’t elaborate, Ives’ grade includes:
‘For ignoring the virus crisis for six weeks, at one time calling it a hoax’…B
‘For claiming it was 15 cases, soon to go down to one; then boasting that keeping the deaths to 200,000 would represent a good job’….B
For maintaining a bare medical equipment cupboard, then blaming it on the Obama Administration out of office now for 39 months’….B
‘For calling reporters “terrible” and “snarky” and purveyors of “fake news” simply by affiliation with the hated CNN’….B
There’s more, much more, but trust Ives’ grades would be B,B,B.B.
If Ives’ congressional bid fails, she might consider a new career teaching at nearby College of DuPage. Her classes would fill with students seeking a good grade without effort. They all know the easy graders. They’d make a B Line to Ives' classes.


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