Monday, November 16, 2020

You got your ass kicked, Mr. Trump

 You got your ass kicked, Mr. Trump

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the national vote over Donald Trump by 2.9 million votes. Due to a thin margin in several swing states, Trump became president with 306 Electoral College votes to Clinton’s 232, marking the fifth time in 59 elections the presidency went to the second place finisher. But the vote did not fit Trump’s egomaniacal concept of victory and sway over the swamp he vowed to drain. So he lied repeatedly, calling his victory a landslide. Not satisfied with harmless lies he pivoted to profane lies, braying “We kicked their ass” in trumpeting Republican wins during his presidency. But Trump’s degrading, profane remarks as president weren’t limited to gloating over victories. He told his idolatrous supporters at his Nuremberg style campaign rallies to “Beat the shit out of them” referring to peaceful protesters at his rallies. Don’t worry about being arrested for such violence, Trump proclaimed, “I’ll pay your bail”.

In 2020, karma struck the Trump profanity filled election lies. His national vote loss is at 5,600,000 votes and rising. His electoral loss is heading for a flip of 2016; Biden 306 to Trump’s 232. The ass in the White House just had his ass handed to him on a platter. Every president, like every other human, swears. But Trump’s public profanity brings disgrace to himself, the Republican Party and America. Sadly, we’re left bidin’ our time till a normal president takes over January 20.


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