Sunday, December 27, 2020

I’m shocked, shocked, Russia might hack U.S.

Does anyone really believe the U.S. doesn’t hack into Russia, Chinese, Cuban, North Korean, Venezuelan, Iranian and a slew of other imagined adversaries’ sensitive information? I sure don’t.
Russia may be responsible for the ten month hack of U.S. government information while Uncle Sam was snoozing at the computer screen. But if not, the real culprit must be laughing hysterically that U.S. Russophobia would give them cover.
Come on folks. Since foreign affairs began centuries ago, every country spies on every other country they deem dangerous. That includes 21st century high tech hacking. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said it best about incoming Prez Biden’s call for retaliation for unproven Russian hacking: “We are definitely not expecting anything good from people, many of whom made their careers on Russophobia and throwing mud at my country. Russia registers hacking attempts from the US and other foreign countries every day but does not make a fuss about it.”
Instead of expanding NATO up to Russia’s borders; then inserting troops and military gear that are not much different than Russian missiles on our doorstep 58 years ago, America should tone down Cold War II and engage Russia with responsible diplomacy. With each side pointing 1,500 nukes at each other, the current policy is madness.


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