Saturday, May 08, 2021

GOP goes all in on theater over substance

Great leaders combine theater in messaging with substance in policies.
A prime example is FDR who launched his 12 year presidency in 1932 with his ‘nothing to fear except fear itself’ inaugural speech. Then he proceeded to tackle catastrophic Depression with a blizzard of polices that both inspired the depressed masses and alleviated much of their pain. He followed that up with ‘fireside chats’ explaining those polices in simple, heartfelt terms understandable by everyday folks. All this from a wealthy patrician light years removed from those suffering.
Some are comparing Joe Biden’s first hundred days to that of FDR, even down to his ability to be straight forward and empathetic in dealing with current travails. Biden appears to have struck a good balance of theater and substance, initiating polices that will transform the commons and social safety net if enacted.
But the GOP remains stuck in an ideology wholly dependent on theater. Donald Trump, the most theatrically gifted but substance free candidate in their 167 year history, captured the 2016 election solely on theater.
He preceded to govern in theater, allowing the nation’s financial and physical health to degenerate under ignored pandemic and ignored investment.
The electorate responded by turning him out by 7.1 million votes in the ballot box and 74 votes in the Electoral College.
Trump responded with theatrical hysteria worthy of an Academy Award, had it been a movie. Alas, it was the reality of inspired insurrection, getting 5 killed, hundreds injured, nearly overturning his election loss.
At the 1952 Republican Convention, conservative stalwart Everett Dirksen of Illinois, looked down at 1948 defeated GOP candidate Thomas Dewey, shook his finger and bellowed "We followed you before and you took us down the path to defeat.” No more Dewey for the ’52 GOP.
If a conservative stalwart like Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley would reprise that moment at the 2024 convention, it may sadly be something like “We followed you before and you took us down the path to defeat and insurrection. Let’s do it again.”


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