Friday, August 20, 2021

Time to end perpetual war, Uncle Sam

The U.S. exit from Afghanistan can't come soon enough. It should have ended 7,260 days ago, after we bombed the terrorist camps in Afghanistan in October, 2001.
The invasion to oust the Taliban had nothing to do with American national security. It was done to begin the process of regime change of targeted Middle East countries to remake the Middle East in America's image: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran and any other nation that dare oppose U.S. domination.
Sadly, an avalanche of criticism has begun pouring down on President Biden from the U.S. pro war establishment composed of the military, weapons makers, congressional hawks and their cheerleaders in the media. They are dominating the dialogue, claiming that ending the war is a tragedy that will haunt America.
All Americans of peace and goodwill must rally around the President. He entered office pledging to end America's longest war; one that was illegal, immoral and criminal. Biden's declaration of and commitment to ending the Afghan war is possibly the most courageous act of any president in my lifetime going back to FDR.
The only act coming close was JFK's decision to end the Cold War after the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, a principled move that may have cost him his life.
The battle for Afghanistan may be over, but the battle for the soul of America, whether it will truly seek peace, or continue perpetual war indefinitely, has just begun.
The forces promoting perpetual war and the profits, power and prestige it brings are formidable. They always drown out the voices of peace. Now is the time for every American to answer the question: Which side are you on?


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