Saturday, February 12, 2022

Time for new American national bird?

Yesterday, for about the hundredth day in a row, the U.S. government announced an illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine could come ‘any day’. They have also begun saying Russia is planning a false flag operation using a propaganda video announcing a fake attack from Ukraine to justify the Russian invasion.
Of course, there is the possibility of a Russian invasion. Remember March, 2003, there was the possibility of a U.S. invasion of Iraq for no reason at all, and nothing happened. Wait, wait. The U.S. did launch an illegal, immoral and criminal invasion of Iraq. The country was shattered with several hundred thousand dead, including over 5,000 American soldiers and contractors. Nineteen years on, American soldiers still defile Iraq. So America knows a thing or two about senseless invasions of a non-hostile country.
Last week, State Dept. spokesman Ned Price told a press briefing we have solid proof of the Russian false flag operation. When pressed by the AP’s Matt Lee to display the proof, Price said “I just showed it to you”’.
What followed was priceless:
AP’s Matt Lee: “OK, but what evidence do you have that this is indeed the case?”
Ned Price: “Well that’s it – my ‘declassified’ claim that Russia is about to do it.”
Matt Lee: “Well, that’s not ‘declassified’ information, that’s just you claiming it. Surely you understand the difference. I mean, crisis actors, fake dead bodies – that’s Alex Jones territory.”
Ned Price: “You are a Russian propagandist.”
That exchange pretty much sums up U.S. prevarication on the Ukraine crisis.
While there still is the possibility of a Russian invasion, if America would drop the fearmongering and get down to serious negotiations of Russian security concerns, that possibility would likely dissipate.
U.S. talk of ‘imminent invasion is getting tiresome. Maybe we should replace the national bird, the Bald Eagle, with Chicken Little.


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