Monday, February 21, 2022

Why Germany sent just helmets to Ukraine

While the U.S., $30 trillion in debt, pumps billions in weaponry into Ukraine and NATO states ringing Russia, Germany just sent…helmets. Aghast, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko sputtered “The behavior of the German government leaves me speechless. What kind of support will Germany give next, pillows?”
The short answer is Germany is not stupid. They have better things to do with their treasure, like continue to expand German infrastructure, health care for all, conversion to green energy, education. Let the shortsighted Americans squander their treasure on militarism ignoring every decent, humane initiative of responsible governance.
But the long answer has to do with energy. Germany gets 40% of its energy from Russia. That will expand once the Nord Stream II natural gas pipeline connects Russia to Germany, doubling Russia’s capacity to send natural gas to Europe under the Baltic.
That prospect threatens U.S. energy suppliers who want to keep Europe dependent on more expensive liquefied natural gas (LNG) which must be shipped in tankers overseas to Europe. Nord Steam II will also cut out Ukraine’s middleman fees to transit Ukraine, further eroding their economy. What better way to derail Nord Stream II and keep Europe dependent on American energy companies than manufacturing a crisis with Russia. Hey, how bout marching NATO up to Russia’s borders, putting in troops and missiles, and leaving open NATO membership to Ukraine and Georgia.
So far that strategy is working to keep the crisis on the front burner….except Russia hasn’t yet quite taken the bait. A good way to make that happen is to make no concessions whatsoever to Russia’s legitimate security concerns. If up to Germany, the U.S. would keep its weapons of war out of the conflict and quit interfering in European affairs.
Getting back to German help for Ukraine, Germany should take up Kyiv Mayor Klitschko’s comment about what’s next from Germany. They might contact Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to prop up his faltering U.S business by opening a franchise in Kyiv. Unless I’m mistaken, unlike U.S. weapons of civilian destruction, don’t believe My Pillow Guy’s pillows have killed anyone yet.


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