Thursday, June 16, 2022

Worst Big Bordello in DC?

We taxpayers spend $93 million yearly in salary to 535 congresspersons to care for the commons and do the People’s business. We pony up many millions more for their office staff, amenities, health and retirement benefits.

And what do hundreds, maybe a majority of them do with this trust to protect us? They sell their souls and their votes like street walkers to the special interests degrading life in America.
The most prominent sellout today involves the massive sale and availability of machine guns to disturbed persons who commit mass slaughter in public places. The weapons makers provide millions in bribes to the congresspersons in order to secure billions in blood drenched profits. Enough take those bribes to ensure their likely lifetime hold on a servant job they’ve turned into an exploitation job. Most despicable is their reliance on the Constitution to justify the bloodbath killing over 45,000 yearly with hundreds of thousands wounded.
It’s just a short stretch from domestic violence to worldwide violence perpetrated by our gargantuan defense industry. The few millions shoveled into congressional coffers by gun makers pales in comparison to that sent by weapons makers to Capitol Hill to keep the defense budget soaring upwards over $813 billion in Fiscal ’23. But not satisfied with that proposed budget, these warmongers are demanding billions more. Can you say a trillion for perpetual war? The hundreds of thousands we’ve killed all over the Middle East and Africa makes no dent in the dented souls of virtually every one of those 535 senators and representatives. Not a single strong antiwar congressperson is left to push back to our unrelenting militarism worldwide.
The third sellout by most of the folks we’re relying on to maintain sustainable life on Mother Earth is to the fossil fuel industry. With the planet in peril, these craven congresspersons exclaim “What, me worry?” as they stuff the fossil fuel industry cash into their coffers.
Never saw the 1982 Bert Reynolds, Dolly Parton flick, ‘The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.’ But every single day I’m bombarded with more sorrowful news from The Worst Big Bordello in DC.’


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