Saturday, October 22, 2022

America still aircraft carrier crazy 77 years after WWII

America used 97 aircraft carriers to help win WWII in against Japan. They overpowered and sunk most of Japan's piddly fleet of 24 carriers.
After WWII, the aircraft carrier faded in importance as we're no longer fighting war on the high seas.
But US Congresspersons, used to getting millions in bribes (oops, campaign contributions) from aircraft carrier builders and suppliers, have extended the building of these obsolete behemoths for 8 decades. The US maintains 11 such carriers while the rest of the world collectively has 10. China and Russia, our 2 nuclear power enemies we're trying to squash over Taiwan and Ukraine, have 2 and 1 respectively.
How did the US get to 11 carriers? Congress passed a law requiring it: 10 USC 8062 (b) US Navy: Composition; Functions. "The naval combat forces of the Navy shall include not less than 11 operational aircraft carriers."
But since the law doesn't limit the Navy to 11 carriers, Congress greenlighted 3 more monstrosities being constructed today. The US justifies more aircraft carriers to intimidate nations far and wide in furtherance of US unipolar world dominance. They routinely menace China and Middle East countries we don't like.
The newest of the 11, the Gerald R. Ford, is ignominiously named after a lifelong fiscally conservative former president. Up in presidential heaven, Ford must be apoplectic his namesake carrier, the most extravagant warship ever, cost $13 billion, running 22% over budget. If he could come back to protest, he'd request it be renamed the U.S.S. Boondoggle.


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