Monday, October 10, 2022

Wrong way to solve US gas shortage

 Wrong way to solve US gas shortage

America produces 11 million barrels of oil daily. But we gobble up 20 million barrels to feed our gas guzzlers. What to do?
Venezuela? Nope, no oil there since were sanctioning Venezuela in effort to depose their president Maduro.
Iran? Nope, no oil there as we’re sanctioning Iran to destroy their imaginary nuclear program.
Russia? Nope, US proxy war to weaken, degrade Russia allows not one drop to feed our rapacious oil appetite.
Saudi Arabia? Nope, the Saudis are cutting oil production to punish America for a bunch of real and imagined offenses.
Syria? Bingo. We’ve got a thousand troops guarding their oil fields to not only keep the oil from their rightly Syrian owners, but to steal it.
We’re learning the US pilfers about 80% of daily Syrian output amounting to over 60,000 barrels a day.
During his bizarre presidency, Trump even bragged about stealing Syrian oil as war booty, to get something out of our failed decade long war there helping terrorists depose hated Syrian president Assad.
President Biden, a bit less crass than the Donald, speaks softly…and carries a big oil wagon out of Syria. Next time you fill up, look for the sign, “Pumped in Syria, stolen by Uncle Sam.”


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