Thursday, October 06, 2022

Open letter to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Dear Governor DeSantis,
Sorry to hear about Hurricane Ian which is ravaging your people, your economy, your entire state.
It’s good to see you’re now functioning as a real governor, spending your time on critically needed hurricane relief.
That sure beats spending it helping to degrade American politics and culture. Whether undermining sensible covid protocols, savaging the LGBT community, promoting anti education measures, denying America’s racist past, restricting voting and women's reproductive freedom, you are the poster governor for the coarsening of American democracy.
Does Hurricane Ian, which you described as a "once in a 500 year storm" have anything to do with your self destructive polices supporting endless fossil fuel use, while inhibiting efforts to convert to renewable energy? The scientists say 'Absolutely.' You're now stuck with helping to clean up the mess your policies are making the 'new normal.
Prior to Hurricane Ian, your latest, despicable stunt to curry favor with your extreme right base, was to spend Florida resources busing unwanted immigrants to Chicago and other cities. Cynically using unfortunate people to further your lust to replace Trump as the Republican standard bearer was a new low in your race to the bottom.
Here’s a suggestion on how to begin salvaging your tarnished governmental legacy. Pay for the return of those migrants. Give them food and shelter. Then hire them to engage in hurricane cleanup and rebuilding. That will not only help repair Florida, it may begin repairing your damaged soul.
One last suggestion. Pay them union scale.


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