Friday, November 04, 2022

No tears for Truss being tossed as British PM after 44 days

The peace community is relieved the British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned as PM after 44 days, shortest tenue ever for a British leader.
Truss lost our trust when candidate Truss told a Town Hall event she was ready to order a nuclear strike if called on to do it. But that wasn’t the question, which instead, was how’d she feel if called on to fire nukes. That was a perfect opportunity for Truss proclaim her commitment to preventing nuclear war. When the question was repeated Truss passed again, using the same line “I’m ready to do it.”
The world may be closer to nuclear war than any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis sixty years ago this month. This is due to the US proxy war with Russia over Ukraine and the potential real war with China over Taiwan. Picking fights with the largest and third largest nuclear powers is even more reckless than the US engaging in nuclear brinkmanship with the sole country of Russia over Cuban missiles sixty years ago.
With unrelenting tensions over Ukraine and Taiwan, the world will remain under the existential threat of nuclear annihilation regardless of who replaces the trustless Truss. But we’ll gain a tiny sliver of hope when the world’s fifth largest nuclear armed country is no longer led by a Prime Minister who proclaims pushing the button i no big deal.


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