Friday, February 10, 2023

Say it’s so Joe…”I’m retiring”

President Joe has a dilemma. Most likely he wants to be one and done with the Presidency. He’ll be 82 a week after the ’24 election, and 86 and 3 months at the finish line…if he makes it.
If true, he’s boxed in from announcing that now. It would make him an instant lame duck and weaken his political capital. But by not announcing it, he freezes out the younger, more vibrant potential candidates progressive Democrats sorely need.
Hopefully, behind the scenes, Joe is signaling to potential replacements he’ll make his move to move on at the appropriate time, giving those contenders an opportunity to campaign without unduly impacting Joe’s governing ability.
Till then I await the day when Joe says it’s so: “I’m retiring.”


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