Thursday, July 04, 2024

Will birthday No. 248 be Uncle Sam’s last as a functioning democracy?


    Will birthday No. 248 be Uncle Sam’s last as a functioning democracy?
    I’ve been around for 80 of my dear Uncle’s birthdays. Always took for granted our democracy could weather any storm set upon it by evil Americans seeking destruction of America’s democratic foundation.
    That all changed January 6, 2021. American democracy suffered a near death experience that day when the incumbent, who suffered a massive voter and substantial electoral loss, instigated a coup to stay in power. Had the Congresspersons been violently attacked, as was the plan, preventing the transfer of power, American democracy may have died that day.
    But just 3 years, 6 months later, July 1, 2024, a non-violent, but even more ominous event occurred, which has once more put American democracy closer to hospice care than could ever be imagined. The Supreme Court, a third of which was appointed by the coup mastermind, handed him a possible ‘Get Out of Jail’ card, not only for his attempted coup, but for whatever and however he chooses to further degrade American democracy should he return to power.
    When a democracy fails to protect itself from such persons, it jeopardizes its existence.
    How strange indeed that closing in on 80, I’m more concerned about my dear Uncle Sam having another birthday…then I am for myself.


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