Sunday, October 06, 2024

A Palestinian State, not bombing Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iran only path to Middle East peace.

 A Palestinian State, not bombing Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iran only path to Middle East peace

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes he can bomb his way to complete control over Palestine (Gaza and West Bank) and security from his Arab neighbors not cool with that.

A year into Netanyahu’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of Gaza, with upwards of a hundred thousand dead in 139 largely destroyed square miles, has been a colossal failure.

A hundred thousand, even a million bombs, largely supplied by America, will not achieve Netanyahu’s cherished goal. Hamas in Gaza, fighting back against the Israeli genocide, cannot be destroyed. Hezbollah in Lebanon, displacing over 60,000 Israelis from Northern Israeli with rocket attacks, cannot be destroyed. The Houthis in Yemen, also firing into Israel in protest to the genocide, cannot be destroyed. Iran, supporting the forces opposing genocide in Gaza, cannot be destroyed.

Since none of Israel’s targets can be destroyed, only one solution remains: end opposition to a Palestinian state by negotiating its creation.

Tragically, senselessly, the US is enabling Israel’s entire ethnic cleansing project in Gaza and the West Bank. Without America’s 50,000 tons of war equipment, Israel could not embark on their deranged policy to remove all Palestinians from the region. The US is spending tens of billions of dollars to fund the worst genocide this century. Claiming we’re doing ‘everything we can to bring peace to the region and achieve a Palestinian state’ is mindboggling Orwellian doublespeak.

What’s truly astonishing about Netanyahu’s genocidal campaign is that it ensures the remaining Israeli hostages will come home in a box instead of alive. Had he negotiated their release once the Hamas terrorist attack was repelled, possibly all 251 hostages would be alive. Instead, the campaign to destroy and depopulate Gaza has killed 45 of the hostages with 97 more still enduring the most scorched earth policy we’ve witnessed in our lifetime. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protest daily against this cruel, self-destructive Netanyahu policy to no avail.

Since Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran cannot be destroyed, Netanyahu has ensured Israel will never achieve internal peace, much less all out victory.

President Biden can end Israel’s self-destructive path with one phone call. ‘Mr. Prime Minister…no more weapons for you till you end the genocide, express the desire for a Palestinian state, then follow thru with negotiations. Then, just maybe, you’ll return those remaining 97 Israeli hostages to their loved ones alive and bring peace to Israel and the region.’


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