Sunday, March 21, 2010


Your March 13th editorial "Reagan's currency" is a perfect example of how a half truth can be used to present a false argument.

In promoting the replacement of U.S. Grant with Ronald Reagan on the $50 bill, you make point that Grant "presided over a notoriously...corrupt White House" without saying a word in comparison to the Reagan administration. In fact, the Reagan administration had more members, 138, either indicted, convicted or subject to official investigations for official or criminal misconduct, than Grant's or any other administration.

Some of the more prominent include: Lyn Nofziger, Michael Dever, James Watt, John Poindexter, Richard Secord, Elliott Abrams, Robert McFarlane, Alan Fiers, Thomas Clines, Carl Channel, Richard Miller, Frank Gomez, Donald Fortier, Clair George, Rita Lavelle, Philip Winn, Thomas Demery, Deborah Dean, Cataina Villaponda, Joseph Strauss, and lastly, the notorious "arms for hostages" Oliver North.

When candidate Obama referred to Reagan being a transformational president, what he omitted was that transformation meant from pin stripes to prison stripes.

We who care about such mundane matters as honesty and legality in our presidential administrations have no problem putting Reagan on the $50 long as it is in monopoly money.


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