Monday, March 26, 2012


Congratulations to 71 year old former Vice President Dick Cheney for getting a new heart after a 20 month wait following his 5th heart attack. May he live well past the normal survival period of seven years for a person getting a heart transplant over the age of 65. May he even live to 100 or more. Cheney may have already topped million dollars, possibly even two, in health care costs, since his first brush with early death in 1978 at the tender age of 37. Had he been one of those 40 million uninsured, he'd have died long, long ago.

Wouldn't it be fitting if Cheney uses his additional time on this earth to experience an epiphany about his party's ferocious drive to overturn the Affordable Health Care Act. It has already begun to provide relief to the 40 million Americans this Act was designed to help, but its Constitutionality and its future are being challenged before the US Supreme Court in 3 days of oral argument beginning March 26. Maybe Cheney got the heart of a medically uninsured person who died prematurely due to the lack of Cheneycare. At this very moment that beating heart may be causing a reformulation in Cheney's subconscious which will turn him against the heartless souls in the GOP who have no concept of the damage they do to the less fortunate. As Cheney fights for life in intensive care, the Affordable Heath Care Act fights for its life in the intensive care dock before the US Supreme Court.

Let's hope they both make it.


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