Friday, September 28, 2012

Sinking Romney grasps fragile reed - corrupt hypocrite Ralph

One sign desperation is stalking Mitt Romney's Presidential bid is his latching onto one of the most corrupt, hypocritical members of the Evangelical right to garner votes from evangelicals, a group who looks with great suspicion on the Mormon Romney. Ralph Reed is 51, yet still exudes the choir boy charm that made him a mega star in the 1980's evangelical movement. The lifelong political activist and lobbyist, Reed was "born again" in 1983 and led Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition from 1989 to 1997 when he resigned amid financial scandals plaguing the Coalition. Reed got into even deeper trouble through his associations with corrupt lobbyist "Casino" Jack Abramoff; though, unlike Abramoff, Reed escaped both prosecution and prison.

After several years of laying low, Reed has resurfaced with a new gig, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, which is pouring $12 million into a scurrilous campaign to get evangelicals to support Romney's election. How scurrilous? A flyer Reed is sending to millions of evangelicals asks them if President Obama's policies are more dangerous to American liberty than previous threats from Nazi Germany and the Japanese during WWII, Soviet Russia during the Cold War, and for good measure, the Civil War. Romney welcomed such political pornography with the comment, "Ralph Reed is doing a great job here with the Faith & Freedom Coalition. This group is going to make a big impact across America and I appreciate the work you are doing here".

Regardless of all the phony faith Ralph Reed professes, Romney's newfound friendship with him looks more like a pact with the devil.


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