Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jeb Bush's presidential conflict of interest

The near certainty now that Jeb Bush will seek the presidency brings up an intriguing and highly personal conflict of interest. For rest of his life, Jeb's brother George will be subject to investigation and prosecution for war crimes. While many foreign countries would love the chance to do just that, George W. is careful about any foreign travel least he be arrested and whisked away to an international court of law.

But here in the US, Bush's successor has chosen to give him a pass. That is unfortunate and represents one of President Obama's biggest moral failings. The president still has two years to realize his legal and humanitarian responsibility to do the right thing. Though there is no Statue of Limitations for war criminals, action by Obama appears unlikely. So if Jeb puts his hand on the Bible come January 20, 2017, the torch for bringing George to justice transfers to brother Jeb.

I can imagine his answer the first time a reporter brings this issue up:

"Not gonna do it...wouldn't be prudent. Read my lips, no new war crime trials."


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