Friday, March 27, 2015

How NY Times enabled Iraq war

Between September 11, 2001, and the March 19, 2003 kickoff of criminal Iraq war, the NY Times was instrumental in the successful propaganda campaign to legitimize it. Bush war cabinet puppet from Iraq, Ahmed Chalabi, fed false information about an imaginary WMD program of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to Judith Miller, star NY Times reporter. Miller dutifully reported these lies which somehow passed the Times smell test, 'All the news that's fit print.' Bush administration war criminal Dick Cheney then went on cable news and cited Miller's reporting to justify the war. That is a successful use of propaganda that would bring a gleam to the eye of some dude named Goebbels. And here we are over 12 years later and the Times is giving valuable ink and pixels to John "Bonkers" Bolton to drum up support for another needless, murderous and criminal war, this time against Iran. That is why yesterday I called for the Times to change their motto to "All the warmongering unfit to print."


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