Friday, April 03, 2015

Kirk plays the Nazi card on historic Iran deal

I'm not making this up. Here is my Senator Mark Kirk's quote within hours of President Obama announcement of the six power nuclear agreement with Iran:

"Neville Chamberlain got a better deal from Adolf Hitler. Under today's deal, the United States and its international partners will dismantle the sanctions regime against Iran, while Iran, the world's biggest exporter of terrorism, will be allowed to keep vast capabilities to make nuclear weapons."

Kirk, and his warmongering, neocon buddies in Congress, have been marginalized by the overwhelming support for the deal in America and around the world. Kirk and Company have to earn their keep from the munitions makers and Israel Lobby who demand war for all the largess they lavish on this pernicious group. Kirk supports the noxious Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, which if passed over a presidential veto, allows the Senate to kill the agreement. If Kirk had served in Congress during the Kennedy era, he'd have worked tirelessly to sabotage the 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty which was passed after it gained support from former Republican President Eisenhower and Republican Senate Majority Leader Ev Dirksen.

Kirk's reckless rhetoric has only one endgame: war with Iran. It must be opposed by every sane, peace seeking Illinoisan. Call him at 312-886-3506 and demand he cease his shameful Nazi illusions and fear mongering concerning the 5 Power Agreement with Iran. While you're at it, encourage Kirk to resign from the Senate today. We can't wait till a true, peace loving statesman like Tammy Duckworth replaces Kirk on January 2, 2017.


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