Sunday, January 03, 2016

Gitmo's gourmet grub served...up your nose

Surely one of the worst jobs in the US military is serving dinner to Tariq Ba Odah at our Guantanamo prison for suspected terrorists. Instead of white tablecloth dining, it's white feeding tube cuisine, excruciatingly inserted into Ba Odah's schnozzola twice a day, in contravention of the United Nations Human Rights Commission's banning it as torture. Ba Odah gets it Uncle Sam's Way because he's been on a hunger strike for the last nine years of his inhumane 14 year incarceration; and a starvation death doesn't serve Uncle's interests. But at 75 lbs, Ba Odah may not make it out of America's Devil Island no matter how many liquid calories are pumped in. Ba Odah is one of 107 unfortunates still languishing in America's Gulag at Guantanamo, most of whom having been swept up for being in an American criminal war zone, practicing the wrong religion and sold to Uncle Sam by their captors. Like 47 of the other 106 detainees, Ba Odah has been cleared for release, six years ago in his case, but a combination of congressional and Pentagon Islamophobes refuse to go along with President Obama's seven year quest to end this nightmare cursing the American Experiment. Ba Odah is not one of 17 detainees scheduled to be released this month and Obama shouldn't bet the Nobel Peace Prize on even that happening. Guantanamo deadlines are often ignored by folks still seeking revenge for conduct the 107 detainees had nothing to do with. If Ba Odah does get out, however, he won't have to turn his nose up at another meal ever again.


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