Sunday, April 10, 2016

GOP legislators: "States rights Si! City rights Nada!"‏

The racists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists and other core constituencies of GOP legislatures have spent an eternity tuning back the clock on human progress with the cry of "States Rights." Small government is inherently better than big government they cry as they resisted federal attempts to bring their states into the 20th century. But here in the 21st century, with most federal efforts realized, these Neanderthals have suddenly become enlightened about the benefits of big government when confronting the progress implemented at the much smaller city level. To whit:
NC overturned Charlotte's progressive anti LGBT discrimination ordinance
AL voided Birmingham's decision to increase the minimum wage
MO banned all cities and counties from both increasing the minimum wage and requiring retailers to ban those bags that never decay
In TN, the Volunteer State, cities can't volunteer to end discrimination against gays
Arkansas' state motto: 'Regnant Populi' which translates to "The people rule", has an unwritten corollary "People in the legislature only" when it comes to banning discrimination.
Memo to NC, AL, TN, MO and AR: Find yourself another country to be part of
Walt Zlotow
Glen Ellyn, IL


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