Bombing Mullims, shooting unarmed blacks produces 'blowback'
Though horrified, I'm not surprised we experienced a ghastly attack on police from a person admittedly disturbed by two near simultaneous deaths of black males appearing to pose no imminent threat to the police encountering them. Nor am I surprised we've experienced several bloody shooting massacres from persons expressing anger at endless US warfare against Muslims involved in Middle East civil warfare. Both constitute a form of 'blowback' which, once incurred, tends to produce copycat incidents within years, months or even weeks. Add to that incendiary recipe is the ability of such lone gunmen to acquire massive firepower from military style weaponry that produces nothing less than a killing field in our streets, our military bases , our nightclubs and our churches.
This should not happen in America. We must end our culture of perpetual war against peoples posing us no existential threat. We must find a way to train police better and weed out the incompetents, the criminals and the psychologically unfit who demonstrate their unfitness in video after video after video. How many hundreds, maybe thousands have died without a shred of revealed truth before the video revolution we'll never know. But now we do know nearly every new one and yet we do nothing. Our wars against the Muslim world exist in a vacuum utterly removed from any congressional, legal or citizen oversight or debate. We let the gun lobby buy up Congressmen like so many chess pieces to thwart the will of the majority repulsed by readily available weapons of mass civilian destruction.
Cable news will focus on Dallas round the clock for a few more days before returning to vacuous election news, just like they did after Orlando and San Bernardino and Ft. Hood. But our perpetual wars and perpetual senseless police killings have the next incidence of blowback lurking just around the corner.
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