Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Trump infrastructure plan: think Chicago parking meters

As a 42-year vet of the logistics industry, I fret over Trump's infrastructure plan. It's a crony capitalist's dream... privatizing infrastructure rebuilding since Trump's budget won't fund it. If you want a glimpse of what privatizing the highways and waterways will look like, check out Chicago's parking meter meltdown. That's meltdown for Chicago, Gold Rush for the parking meter folks, led by Morgan Stanley. To avoid a needed property tax increase, Daley the Younger sold off the revenues for the next 75 years so he could pay down the budget deficit without upsetting Chicago voters. The selling price evaporated faster than you could say 'capitalism works.' Our roads, bridges and everything else that goes into world class infrastructure may be heading toward third-world status. But to Trump and his oligarch buddies, 'There's gold in them dar' highways.'


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