Friday, November 10, 2017

Roskam cool with $1.7 trillion tax bill budget deficit

During the eight Obama years, my congressman Peter Roskam (IL-6), railed against every attempt to provide life saving health insurance to the needy, rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure, invest in renewable energy, expand educational and job opportunities; indeed, anything designed to help the little people and the commons. His argument was always any increase in budget deficits to help the less fortunate was unacceptable and not an extra tax dollar could be levied against the rich as offset. Then, for Roskam, a miracle happened...his GOP gained the governmental driver's seat. Suddenly, budget deficits not only became acceptable; they became a way of funneling trillion dollar wealth in tax cuts to his wealthy base. While 78% of the proposed Roskam tax bill cuts go to the golden 5% Americans, fully a quarter of middle class workers will see a tax increase. Roskam is cool with that $1.7 trillion in additional budget deficits because as the pressure to offset them mounts, Roskam can go after Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, all life saving programs for working stiffs; a burden on the greedy rich who don't need or want them. That's how it works in Roskam's worldview...the public interest always loses to self interest rightly understood.


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