Sunday, December 10, 2017

Minor omission on Roskam's Weekly Roundup on healthcare

In his Weekly Roundup email my congressman Peter Roskam (IL-6) touted these health care highlights he's championing:

1. Met with American Society for Nutrition (ASN) to discuss funding for nutrition research.
2.Met with the Cardiovascular Coalition to discuss peripheral artery disease (PAD) and strategies to eliminate non-traumatic amputation.
3. Met with 3M Health to discuss the Healthcare Outcomes Act.

Let' see, that's 'met, met, met, to discuss, discuss, discuss.'
Somehow Roskam missed touting this fourth highlight.:
4. Succeeded in passing tax cut bill which will toss over 4 million of of 40 million covered under Obamacare off the health care rolls.
I'm sure the congressman will appreciate my completing his constituent communication.


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