Friday, March 23, 2018

Roskam's 'wild card' Trump goes bonkers with Bolton pick

My congressman Peter Roskam (IL-6) came out for his self-described 'wild card' Donald Trump for president in August, 2016, because he put aside Trump's degrading comments and boorish behavior as rookie mistakes. Fourteen month in, Roskam's sophomore 'wild card' is firing (or having them flee in horror) his advisers on a near daily basis. Yesterday his top lawyer quit and his National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster was fired. McMaster, a 3-star general, was one of the few moderating influences left in Wild Card's administration. Worse, he replaced him with possibly the most virulent warmonger ever to serve in government, John 'Bonkers' Bolton. Bonkers served as adviser to Bush Junior, not whispering, but shouting in Bush's ear to attack Iraq. Bonkers earned his sobriquet promoting war against a myriad of countries we have more than token disagreements with. Bolton is so scary even Republicans joined with Democrats to push him out as Bush's UN Ambassador by refusing to confirm him. Since then he's become a free lance warmonger, advocating attacks on North Korea and his true bete noir, Iran. Roskam may likely support Bonker's appointment as Roskam has long been in the 'stop Iran at all costs' wing of the GOP, railing against the Iran nuclear agreement which likely prevented war in 2015. Wild cards are fine in poker. In the presidency...and the Illinois Sixth, they're simply dealing disaster.


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