Real obscenities hurled 565 miles away
President Trump called for an end to the White House Correspondents' Dinner tweeting it was an 'embarrassment' and 'Fake News'. He was referring of course, to comedian Michelle Wolf's twenty minute monologue skewering politics and its journalists, with a focus on the Trump administration. Many conservative Trump supporters echoed Trump, including the prominent Hugh Hewitt who charged Wolf's monologue didn't serve journalism. Oh, contraire. Wolf played the court jester to perfection, using graphic language and word pictures to present the unvarnished truth about an obscene huckster who used the vilest of obscenities against blacks, immigrants, progressives, the poor and marginalized to entice sixty-three million folks to entrust him with the our and the world's future. Listening to the entire Wolf monologue, I didn't hear one naughty word I don't hear everyday, including from my own lips. I didn't hear one word picture that didn't sizzle with truth about a corrupt narcissist who puts my children and grandchildren at great risk of inheriting a degraded world much worse than the one I inherited from FDR in 1945.
No, the real obscenities hurled in Washington Saturday night were spoken 565 miles away in Washington Township, Michigan, where the Trump trotted out his grotesque and vile stump speech to the masses of folks who hate the same people he does. Two examples: "Be careful of your 2nd Amendment. OK, be careful. Be careful of your 2nd Amendment if they get in." And, "If we don't get border security, we'll have no choice. We'll close down the country."
Michelle Wolf is not my new favorite comedian...she's my new favorite social critic.
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