Saturday, April 20, 2019

North Korea to Secretary of State Pompeo: "Your fired".

A US Secretary of State is expected to display the utmost diplomatic deportment. Such is not the case with current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. North Korea is so upset over his hard line negotiations over their nuclear program they've publicly called for his ouster from future talks. Their demand wasn't very diplomatic either; charging Pompeo was "fabricating stories like a fiction writer" and that future talks "required a partner who was more careful and mature in communicating with us". Furthermore, "Pompeo is talking nonsense...which subjects him to public ridicule".
Trump fired his first Secretary of State Rex Tillerson after just 13 months due to Tillerson actually trying to conduct sensible foreign policy such as maintaining the Iran Nuclear Deal. Trump loves his replacement Pompeo who idolizes Trump and follows every one of his delusional diplomatic policies including blowing up the Iran nuclear deal, promoting criminal regime change in Venezuela and demanding North Korea give up everything in the nuclear talks before the US give up a single sanction. Pompeo, like Trump, is unfit to serve in any government position, much less Secretary of State. He has a history of Islamophobic and white nationalist statements and associations which make him a raging bull in the tinderbox of international relations. He threatens war with Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and others we may not know about. He's a factor prompting the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moving the Doomsday Clock to two minutes to midnight, the closest it's been since 1953; signaling nuclear Armageddon.
It's fitting the North Koreans are calling out this diplomatic disgrace by channeling Seinfeld's soup proprietor: "No diplomacy with you. NEXT".


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