Friday, May 24, 2019

It's Underwood's censure that should be censured, along with Trump immigration policies

Rep. Lauren Underwood of the Illinois 14th deserves our support against her comments to acting Homeland Security Secretary (DHS) Kevin McAleenan being stricken from the Congressional record. At a DHS budget hearing, Underwood rightly called out Trump administration policies that have left 5 children dead since December who had been held in a Customs and Border Control detention facility at the Texas border. The gist of Underwood's remarks is that the policies of child separation there that have led to the deaths is an "intentional" policy that is "immoral, un-American and just plain wrong." Millions of Americans agree with Rep. Underwood and we need courageous congresspersons to articulate these feelings to effect the change required from a cruel administration maintaining indefensible immigration polices designed to keep the Trump base energized and supportive.
Democratic committee chair Bennie Thompson ruled Underwood's remarks "appropriate" after Republican Mike Rogers demanded they be "taken down" for violating the decorum of the House. But Republicans used the absence of ten Democratic committee members to force a vote which was passed by the temporary Republican majority.
We need more forthright congresspersons speaking truth in blunt terms to grotesque administration policies that threaten perpetual war, demand removal of health care from 20 million, and yes, intentionally politicize immigration policies leaving thousands of children separated from their parents...and some of them dead.


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