Keep spotlight on Trump's racism, xenophobia and degradation of the presidency
Trump's racism, xenophobia, degradation of the presidency is not a one-off mistake of a rookie politician. It was the foundation of his candidacy. It is the foundation of his presidency. It is a near daily occurrence, so much so that a day without its display is news. It is so pervasive that newscasters routinely call out Trump's lies and ugly comments degrading entire peoples of color; entire neighborhoods of color, judges, congresspersons, cabinet members. He demonizes the press. He demands critical congresswomen go back to where they came from, as if they aren't even Americans. He enables, even abets white supremacy. He's lost the trade war and has blamed the entire unfolding economic calamity on the Fed Chair. He is only applauded overseas by some of the worst tyrants and dictators on earth. He has made America a laughingstock, if not a country to be feared for its murderous economic sanctions applied frivolously to a variety of imagined foreign transgressions.
The 24 hour cycle just yawns and moves on to the next story de jour, as if our political culture is not being shredded a tad more every single day by an unfit, emotionally disturbed person occupying the presidency. Trump is building his entire re-election campaign around the ludicrous premise Democrats are Venezuelan style socialists. That is not hard politics; that is gutter politics. It has no place in our electoral process. We must all keep the focus where it belongs 24/7/365, on an outlier overturning every noble impulse of our polity.
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