Wednesday, March 18, 2020

1,151 days is enough; Trump should resign

In his first 1,150 days as president, Trump never once conducted himself as a decent leader of all Americans. His endless verbal assaults on perceived enemies, coupled with an obsession to overturn every decent Obama policy, was Trump’s version of Job One. And No. 1 on his Obama hit list was overturning health care to all, along with degrading the entire health care safety net championed by his predecessor. Funding for that is better spent on the military or tax cuts for Trump’s fabulously rich donor class.
But on presidential day 1,151, the invisible bug infesting the world finally penetrated his psyche. His weeks of denial, delay and cynical obfuscation was shattered enough for Trump to strain to appear presidential at a Covid-19 news briefing. But try as he might, the intrinsic Trump mendacity broke through the veneer of concern for all. When asked, he rated himself a perfect 10 out of 10 in his handling of the crisis. He mumbled a few words translated as ‘NO’ when asked if the buck for the virus crisis stops as his desk. He passed that buck onto governors, stating they need to order their own respirators rather than obtain them from the federal government. His praise of the governors contrasts starkly with his earlier public calling Washington Governor Jay Inslee a ‘snake’ for his perceived Trump criticism. That evening Trump tweeted that we’ve been invaded by a ‘China’ virus, an unsubtle dog whistle to his xenophobic base that the medical and financial shock to America is not his fault.
America; indeed the world, cannot wait for the remaining 309 days of a ruler whose incompetency is only exceeded by his sociopathy. Trump can best contribute to relieving the medical and financial crisis by resigning…today.


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