Monday, April 13, 2020

Red states exploit pandemic to restrict abortions

The Republican controlled states of Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas haven’t squandered the pandemic’s opportunity to restrict abortion. They’ve unfairly included abortion as one of the discretionary medical procedures prohibited to preserve PPE and medical resources. They precluded all abortions except those needed to save the life of the mother and those bumping up to the 24 week limit imposed by the Supreme Court. That their ban on early abortions includes use of pills, not requiring medical facilities or PPE, demonstrates the ulterior motive to cynically use the pandemic to restrict abortion.
These laws simply expand the psychic trauma of women in need of the most basic reproductive service. They’re faced with an unenviable dilemma: hope they can still obtain their abortion before the 24 week clock runs out or flee to a nearby sane state not infected with cruelty for women in need. Of course the cynical six states imposing these restrictions aren’t concerned about the pandemic risk they impose on women traveling afar for what they should receive at home. Nor are they concerned about all that PPE used up for totally unnecessary and unwanted births that will inevitably occur.
The Texas restriction is the first to be headed to the US Supreme Court after the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court ruling prohibiting Texas’ nonsensical abortion restriction. The supreme reproductive freedom of Texas women is now in the hands of the Supremes.


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