Friday, August 20, 2021

After 20 years, U.S. puppet Afghan government goes POOF

For senseless U.S. wars it’s déjà vu all over again.

The mad dash of U.S. military and civilian personnel to escape the conquering Afghan Taliban after 20 years of war reminds us aging Viet Nam war protesters of the April 30, 1975 mad dash from Saigon to escape the conquering Viet Cong.
With the casualties and costs still piling up, America should take a reckoning:
Over 70,000 Afghans dead.
3,509 Allied military dead, including 2,382 U.S. military
2.7 million Afghan refugees
Over $2 trillion squandered.
In a bitter irony, the U.S. has to send in 3,000 more troops to get the remaining U.S. military and civilian personnel out safely.
The U.S. is reduced to bombing its own military gear to keep it from the Taliban
The U.S. is begging the Taliban, even offering money, not to overrun the U.S. embassy
None of this needed to happen.
The U.S. had one mission in Afghanistan after 911: bomb the terrorist sites and get out
But no, the U.S. had to impose empire in the graveyard of empires.
U.S. senseless war deadenders will say we should have stayed for more months, years, decades.
In 1955, Pete Seeger summed U.S. folly up best in ‘Where Have All The Flowers Gone’:
“When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?”


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