Friday, June 16, 2023

Machine Gun America: You ain’t seen nothing yet.

America is the only industrialized country in the world that manufactures, sells and distributes machine guns to just about any citizen who has the money and inclination to acquire one or more. Over 20 million are in circulation. Dozens, maybe hundreds are used every year in mass shootings, killing scores of people among over 45,000 that die annually from lead poisoning.

That alone makes America the worst industrialized nation on the planet. A country that allows; indeed encourages and celebrates such acquisition, is committing genocide on its own people.

The reasons are many, from grotesque capitalist greed, to politicians selling their soul to those gun capitalists, to delusional culture warriors wallowing in the mud of hate with their machine gun around their shoulder.

On 24/7 news coverage of each of the many atrocities enabled by our government charged with keeping us safe, one will only hear the cries of anguish, horror and disgust from the majority of citizens who want this carnage ended.

What one will never hear are the crazed thoughts and plans of dozens, hundreds, possibly even thousands of disturbed individuals being inspired to commit the next mass shooting to fulfill a psychotic need to kill. What the good folks never see is how incredibly easy it is for some of those persons to acquire their machine gun for the next mass tragedy.

We must stop calling these body obliterating weapons assault rifles, semiautomatic or automatic weapons. Listen to the 70 plus shots fired in Highland Park that sounded like a war documentary, and call them what their really are: machine guns for mass murder.

And the next one, ten, fifty, possibly even a hundred, are lurking just around the corner.


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