Thursday, July 04, 2024

Thirteenth US employee resigns over President Biden’s enabling genocide in Gaza


Thirteenth US employee resigns over President Biden’s enabling genocide in Gaza
Our anti US genocide hero of the day is Maryam Hassanein. She publicly resigned from the Biden administration over its support of Israel’s near complete destruction of Gaza 139 square miles now largely uninhabitable for its 2,300,000 Palestinians.
Hassanein, who worked as a special assistant in the Interior Department, did not go quietly in expressing her outrage that her government is essentially funding and promoting Israel’s ghoulish genocide of Gaza’s Palestinians.
“I came to understand that even if the agency I’m working at is not producing foreign policy, serving in the administration in any capacity does essentially make you complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians.”
Hassanein was the 12th US employee to officially resign. The13th didn’t employ a resignation letter. US airman Aaron Bushnell, unofficially resigned by burning himself to death in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC 5 months ago. Mainstream media, in near lockstep support of Biden’s genocide enabling in Gaza, largely ignored Bushnell’s self-immolation. The coverage went something like this. ’In other news today, a US airman killed himself in Washington DC. Coming up, sports and weather.’
Over half of Biden’s 2020 voters want him to stop committing genocide in Gaza. But Biden remains oblivious, whether due to his fervent support of Israel’s genocide there, or simply his declining mental capacity to understand the depravity of his policy in Gaza, But If thirteen hundred instead 13 US officials and service persons resign, Biden might just pivot to peace. Not to save Palestinians in Gaza, but to same himself and his party.


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