Saturday, March 31, 2012


US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia asked a truly bizarre question this week during oral arguments over Constitutionality of Obamacare. He pondered whether the government mandate requiring everyone to purchase health care insurance, the mechanism that will make health insurance affordable for everyone, sets a precedent that could allow the government to mandate we all purchase broccoli.

I have news for the good Justice. I don't worry about the possibility the government might require me to purchase broccoli. I worry about the fact that it already requires me to use my tax dollars to purchase predator drones and other weapons of mindless destruction which slaughter dozens, hundreds, even thousands of innocent men, women and children around the world in our criminal military enterprises. If I have to buy them I want them put under lock and key to keep them from the neocons and war mongers and sociopaths who salivate at their use.

What we should mandate is for Justice Scalia to buy some common sense.

Also published in the Daily Herald, April 10, 2012


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