Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ryan's A+ NRA rating portends more violence, call for unity notwithstanding

I'm not one of those lauding House Speaker Paul Ryan's impassioned call for unity and calm after the congressional mass shooting yesterday. Ryan didn't get an A+ rating from the NRA by working to keep high-powered weapons, any guns for that matter, out of the hands of unstable folks like James Hodgkinson, who had a history of contact with police in Illinois over improper use of our ubiquitous WMS (weapons of mass shootings). 

Cheap talk by patrons of the gun and ammo lobby like Ryan will never make a dent on the daily carnage debasing our society while our lust for perpetual war overseas is killing too many thousands of innocents to count. Ryan, like many members of Congress, simply pockets the gun lobby's money in return for keeping the blood money pouring into their coffers; offering bromides to calm the masses after a mass shooting hits his workplace. Unlike Obama, who used every mass shooting to plead for effective gun control, Ryan uttered not a word of substance for such sensible action. That, not feigned outrage, should be the takeaway from Ryan's plea. 


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