Monday, December 18, 2017

Frivolous ballot challenge demeans democracy in DuPage

As one of many dozens who collected signatures to put DuPage Forest Preserve Ranger Dan Hebreard on the March 20 Democratic Primary ballot to run for DuPage Forest Preserve President, I'm outraged he has to defend a frivolous ballot challenge. Apparently, Oak Brook  resident Joe Amodeo woke up one morning and realized, 'Oh my goodness gracious, Dan Hebread's numerous petition sheets containing several times more the required signatures, said he was running for Forest Preserve President instead of President of the Forest Preserve of DuPage County'. Amodeo skedaddled right down to the Election Commission to protest this imagined breech of petitioning protocol to protect the 950,000 of DuPage residents from an electioneering travesty. The fact Amodeo lives in the same community as incumbent DuPage Forest Preserve President Joe Cantore is purely coincidental. 

Let's trust the Election Commission will see through the sham of Amodeo's challenge and dismisses this offense against the democratic process in DuPage forthwith.  


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