Saturday, March 24, 2018

Bush, Obama, Trump: All tools of US war party

The only constant in American foreign policy is senseless, perpetual war. Once America reigned supreme following World War II, it created the concept of American Exceptionalism. This gave President Truman and his 12 successors the right to change regimes around the world with impunity, and blow up those countries whose leaders refused to leave quietly. The biggies are Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and dozens of others large and small who've been violated by our hubris. We never forgave tiny Cuba for sticking up to the US bully, so we continue to punish their wonderful, peaceful people with a cruel embargo 58 years on.
Bush the Younger, in a grotesque example of 'transference', blamed Saddam Hussein for the 911 attacks to deflect criticism of his negligence. The result is a shattered Iraq with waring sectarian factions likely never to find peace. Obama talked peace on his march to the White House; then figuratively pardoned the Bush administration war criminals saying 'We must look forward rather than back." Then Obama bombed Libya into a failed state so his Secretary of State Clinton could boast, "We came, we saw....he (Qaddafi) died." That's not statesmanship; that's criminality. Trump too, talked peace when he wasn't spewing racism and Xenophobia, during the campaign. Either he flipped on his own or was counseled by the Masters of War who really run US foreign policy. Threatening war with North Korea, seeking to destroy the peace saving Iran deal and appointing two top Bush administration war criminals, Gina Haspel and John Bolton to important posts, have put smiles on war party faces.
That's the way it works in America, the worst proponent of senseless, perpetual war in our lifetime...likely in history. Presidents come and go... war party never leaves


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