Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sanguinetti's solutions? Channel Palin, Trump fear tactics

Evelyn Sanguinetti launched her bid to unseat freshman Sixth District congressman Sean Casten by promising solutions rather then the politics and talking points she falsely attributes to her opponent. Then she immediately pivoted to the politics of fear and loathing, accusing Casten of "palling around with the very, very socialists of the far left like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez". A political adult should sit Ms. Sanguinetti down and explain that solutions do not include reprising the repulsive fear tactics of former VP candidate Sarah Palin ("Obama's palling around with terrorists") or President Trump who likens every Democrat to the the socialists of Venezuela and Cuba. After going very, very, low (to paraphrase Sanguinetti's catchy new repetitive campaign phrase), she trotted out the GOP's buzzword solutions to every American problem: "American Dream", "freedom", "liberty". The best advise one could offer Sanguinetti would be to study clips of Casten's intelligent, thoughtful responses to issues discussed in the media. Then again, that may simply convince Sanguinetti to drop out and join the Casten campaign.


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