Thursday, August 29, 2019

Political recognition of non-theists granted after 243 years

It took 243 years but a US political party finally recognized the tens of millions of us non-theists who have endured discrimination, ostracism, ridicule and worse since our founding in 1776. The DNC issued a resolution at their summer meeting proclaiming non-theists contribute significantly to improving society, and as a group need to be heard and valued as much as any other group. A little patronizing maybe but greatly appreciated none the less. 

Amazingly, the seven states of Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas still contain language in their constitutions prohibiting people who do not believe in God from holding office. Such laws were declared unconstitutional in 1961 but the legislatures haven't seen fit to erase their repulsive religious test to hold office. Kudos to the Dems for finally doing the right (progressive) thing on this issue. Let's hope it won't take another 243 years for the GOP to follow suit. 


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