Thursday, April 16, 2020

Circuit Courts short-circuit red state governors pandemic abortion bans

Some good news against the atrocious use of the pandemic by Republican governors to cancel surgical and medication abortions:
The 5th Circuit re-instated medication abortions in Texas, saying that since use of drugs to induce abortion doesn't use up PPE and medical services, the real agenda of simply preventing abortions was clear and unlawful.
The 6th Circuit declined to review a lower court decision allowing
surgical abortions in Ohio.
The 10th Circuit upheld a lower court order overturning Oklahoma's surgical abortion ban.
Alas, It will take the Supreme Court to reinstate surgical abortions in Texas as the 5th Circuit upheld that onerous restriction to women's reproductive health. But, as the saying goes.....3 out of 4 ain't bad.


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