Good's Loyalty Oath time
Every 2 years when I fill out my Statement of Candidacy to run for Precinct Committee-person, I'm reminded of the 1950's Red Scare and Senator Joe McCarthy. Why? at the bottom of the statement is the noxious Loyalty Oath which asks me to certify I'm not a commie or member of any organization advocating overthrow of the government by force; nor do I advocate or teach the violent overthrow of the government. Most candidates likely sign this oath even tho 'Optional' appears in parenthesis after the Loyalty Oath title. That is a mistake. It is an odious remnant of the McCarthy era when many thousands had their lives ruined by governmental interference with free speech. The Illinois oath has been on the books since 1955 but made optional in the early 70's from court decisions declaring them unconstitutional; an infringement of our precious free speech.
There are truly urgent problems that require the attention of our state legislators. But they should all take a few minutes next session and strike the ghost of Joe McCarthy from Illinois' candidacy statements. And those of you running for office? Ignore this relic of our shameful past.
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