The best reality show on television these days is any Republican presidential debate which includes Congressman Ron Paul (Rep. TX ). Iran should be required to attend a seminar on the Nuremburg War Crime trials of 1945-6. Those trials made it clear that made up, aggressive war is the most heinous of crimes and the punishment severe. It is not a good item to have on one’s resume. The current President and his war party will spend the rest of their lives trying to wash the bloodstains from theirs. They may also want to avoid foreign travel after losing their governmental immunity. Other nations and peace organizations may not give them a pass on arrest and prosecution that our country shamelessly has.
Congressman Paul is the only one of ten candidates who deals with the reality of our made up, unnecessary, immoral and criminal war in
Ron Paul won’t have to attend. He received credit for that course through an unblemished public career promoting peace.